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€ 25
pledged over € 50,000 goal
GCI, Gravity Center Index Concept '' 'Have the GCI reflex for health in perfect harmony!' ''


What is GCI ?

GCI is a Center of Gravity Index that calculates the center of gravity of each individual. Like the Body Mass Index (BMI), it uses the weight and the size for its calculation, added to the formula of the cosmic harmony that we discovered and which is unpublished !

Starting from the harmony between the electron and the proton, GCI unquestionably reveals, verifiable and scientific :
  • 1) the frequency pairs of any chemical of known formula
  • 2) universal DNA and its connection to the DNA of our body
  • 3) acceptable products in our body according to universal harmony
  • 4) the ideal weight corresponding to a given size
  • 5) the amount of kilocalories not to exceed according to our size
  • 6) how to measure our audacity to challenge the universal laws, especially that of gravity
  • 7) the table of cosmic harmony, etc.

GCI is one of the many practical uses of this formula that reveals realities about the true nature of life that modern science does not suspect !

GCI, which is based on cosmic harmony, reveals the inadequacies of BMI and reference curves currently used in health journals !

To understand what is GCI, we have first of all to show you some observations

1. the external environment is acting on us

What interests us here, is not what physicists call Archimedes' push. Let us simply remember that the external environment plays an important role in the attitude of the ping-pong ball ; Whether you are conscious of it or not, our external environment acts on our body.
2. the external environment is acting inside our body

We will retain not only that the gravity acts on the point pen which is inside the pen ; That this action of gravity on the point pen is permanent ; That this action of gravity acts on the outside and inside as well of objects as organisms and permanently.
3. other observations


The ideal weight of an individual is in the realm of physics and not in the field of statistics. It should not be the average of a sample, even of all adults or children worldwide !

Thus, in modeling the body of man as a cylinder of standing water, we spontaneously find the harmonious relations existing between weight, size, radius, and therefore, the influence of gravity on the shape of our body.
The Center of Gravity Index (GCI) is simply the size / radius ratio of the water cylinder.
Several other indexes can be calculated (more than 30), all concordant to measure our harmony with gravity on the Earth.

We have, among others :

  • 1. Theoretical body temperature
  • 2. Theoretical current intensity
  • 3. Theoretical magnetic field, etc...
To measure the degree of our daring to defy the law of gravity, the preferred unit here is the proton-electron gap (é.p.é.(in french)) to image a sword of Damocles.

It corresponds to :

  • 1. The difference between the mass of the proton and that of the electron (é.p.é) according to the formula of materialization and dematerialization of the cosmic energy (universal)
  • 2. The gap between the proton and the electron according to a well-known classical formula allowing the formation of these two elements from their respective scalar fields. It is verifiable and very simply !
  • 3. Cheetah limit: at 41 ° C, this animal automatically stops pursuing its prey
  • 4. The difference between the morning temperature (36.5 ° C) and the temperature of the human liver (40,6 °C ≈ 41 ° C)

So it's far from a coincidence if :

The gap between the proton and the electron (é.p.é.) = limit cheetah = limit temperature of the human liver, this difference corresponds to the number of gold 1.618 or divine proportion and the weight of air moved by meter cube by a body if it is in perfect harmony with the law of gravity prevailing on Earth !

The fact that the mass of air displaced by a body of ideal weight is equal to the number of gold, also called divine proportion, is not insignificant! The unprecedented formula of materialization and dematerialization of Cosmic energy, which we have discovered, which links the physical body to the vital energy that animates it, is unambiguous.

This is how the GCI concept was established: Gravity Center Index, a method of evaluating the harmony or the nutritional harmony of Man with respect to the law of gravity.

The GCI calculates the exact ideal weight for each size and not a weight range. It tracks the growth harmony of an individual of growing age, not with a reference sample, but rather with gravity on the earth. It is obvious that the ICG is an index that will have a definite impact on this scourge of obesity in the world.

GCI, the censor of all other nutritional indices

For sure ! You will notice that ICG is the censor of all other nutritional indices. It tells you if you are in perfect harmony with the Universe and you are no longer in harmony with the Universe when the number of gold put to the power of your body temperature exceeds the C value, C being the speed of any electromagnetic wave in the vacuum! This is one of the revelations of the cosmic harmony formula and the ICG signals it to you !

A very interesting example is that of President Barack OBAMA, who will allow us to better understand.

Remember that in nature, as soon as the cheetah reaches this gap very much related to the temperature of his body, he automatically stops pursuing his prey.

Comment :

According to the law of gravity, for its size of 1.85 m the exact ideal weight is 77.95 kg. As it has a weight of 81.6 kg, it is at a rate of 104.68%. This is the equivalent of a body temperature of 38.21 ° C. But at a temperature of 41 ° C it would be as if he asked nature to give the same weight to the electron and the proton! This corresponds to 1 é.p.é is a weight of 87.50 kg for its size. His daring to defy the laws of gravity is 0.384 e.p. Not even half of 1 é.p.é. It's already a good performance! However, 38.21 ° C is not the ideal temperature of the human body although it is tolerable.

To launch GCI and allow you to live in harmony we propose to test :

-> our health offer perfect harmony consisting of 3 tools

With the use of the Gravity Center Index, our discovery, we want to demonstrate that everyone can live in perfect harmony with the laws of Universe!
That's why we invite you to test it with ICG Mobile, our application in Beta Test, and to support us with your contributions to jointly finance the future marketable V1 version of ICG mobile for android and smartphone.
You can also supplement it with the ICG scale and the ICG Ribbon to take your measurements and follow your harmony !

1. The GCI Mobile APP

It is therefore to allow you to live in perfect harmony with the great laws of the Universe that the ICG Mobile application was designed for you !

GCI Mobile is very easy to use !

*You just need to enter your height and weight and it shows you, among other things *:

  1. The level of your daring to defy the laws of gravity
  2. Your Gravity Center Index (GCI)
  3. Your ideal body pressure
  4. Your ideal weight
  5. The amount of calories that must never be exceeded in relation to your maintenance ration whatever the pretext
  6. The body temperature that would have had the ideal mass corresponding to your current size
  7. The theoretical intensity of the current that is currently going through your body
  8. And even the equivalent value of the magnetic field of your body !

GCI Mobile help you to ...

  1. Composing your meals by taking into account the proportions of alkalizing or acidifying foods
  2. Know the proportions of carbohydrate, lipid and protein of your meal
  3. Know the number of kilocalories per monetary unit in order to economically choose your meals
  4. Do a daily or a period graphical follow-up according to your preference
  5. Follow the growth harmony of your child or yourself if you have not finished growing up …

Who can use it ?

You, your loved ones, or your patients if you are a health professional …

2. The Harmony Scale

We have the ambition to make a Harmony scale.

The scale will have, among others, the following characteristics :

  1. digital display with a wide LCD screen perfectly readable
  2. large numbers on screen
  3. very precise
  4. solid
  5. modern and attractive design
  6. very serious manufacturing quality
  7. reduced thickness
  8. weighing up to 200 kg
  9. impedance-meter (to give information on fat mass, bone mass, the rate of water in the body, or even muscle mass)
  10. connectable to Smartphone with Bluetooth or Wifi
  11. with internal memory for information storage and evolution monitoring, in addition to receiving many tips
  12. easy to use
  13. multilingual user manual
  14. with two AAA batteries supplied, Auto-off after 15 seconds of inactivated to extend the life of the battery 1 year warranty.

    3. Harmony mesureing tape

    With the mesureing tape you can take your precise measurements to know how to be and stay in perfect harmony !

    His characteristics :

    1. readable numbers
    2. precise information
    3. modern and attractive design
    4. excellent workmanship
    5. maximum length 250 cm
    6. easy to use
    7. multilingual user manual Sides 1 and 2 will give the following informations :

Heights (cm) ......... Weight (kg) ......... Ration /day (kcal
164 .................. 54,305 .............. 1982,14
164,5 ................ 54,803 .............. 2000,33
165 .................. 55,305 .............. 2018,62
165,5 ................ 55,809 .............. 2037,03
………................... ……… ................ …………….
SIDE 1 ............... SIDE 2 .............. SIDE 2
In this way you will immediately know that it is the maximum ration of calories not to be exceeded each day !

You can also choose the GCI Kit which contains the 3 products, to benefit from the special offer crowdfunding campaign !

-> our game ''Maât Champion''

to know the acceptable molecules in the human body

*In reality, the human sciences have their limits. That's why the decision of the World Metrology Organization, who wants us to use the rules of nature to create the rules of measurement, is an inestimable wisdom. *

According to the law of cosmic harmony, the atoms, of which all matter is constituted, are distributed in 81 cells or boxes that we will call Table of Cosmic or Universal Harmony. From these boxes, only 35 are chosen to house the acceptable atoms in the human body according to a well-known mathematical law. This explains, in other words, the vibratory rates of the chemical elements admitted into the human body.
For example, according to a study conducted in 195 countries between 1990 and 2016 and published on Friday, August 24, 2018, I quote: "no consumption of alcohol is safe for health" (Source: RFI).

From now on, you will be able to come to a such conclusion alone!

Indeed, the law of universal harmony that reveals everything up to the 4 boxes that it uses to unite us with the DNA of the Cosmos, the universe does not admit a molecule such as the one of the alcohol in one of the 35 boxes, so in our body. We can explain, today, why and how botulinum toxin is the most violent poison in the world with this formula of cosmic harmony !
Thus, the popularization of this law of cosmic harmony will allow everyone to verify by itself by chemical molecules, if a given product is detrimental to our body or not, based on accurate data incontestables. Everyone will know the truth as the Universe teaches us to choose, to respect it or not.

You can introduce children with the game ! They will have fun and you too !...

One of the most miraculous secrets of this cosmic harmony formula is not only that the existence of a cosmic DNA, whose DNA of our body is only a perfect miniature copy, but the fact that anyone who understands the classic '' power '' function can easily demonstrate it!

What is interesting is that, from the point of view of cosmic harmony, everything being vibration, there is no frequency without opposite frequency. No problem without solution ! Even children can understand some great universal laws, sometimes with a disconcerting simplicity ! It is sometimes like grouping 3, 4, 6, 7 so as to have the same total in both groups.

The importance of the cosmic harmony formula is well established today when we know that more than thirty million (30,000,000) chemical molecules, whose impact on the decline of the immune system is unknown, exist currently !

Describe your project goal

The objectives of this campaign are: * 1. Get out of my isolation * 2. Find people sensitive to this concept to help make it known to the public * 3. Make the project emerge * 4. Have a prototype "Harmony Scale" and "Harmony Tape" made to complement the Smartphone Nutritional Monitoring App based on the ICG Gravity Index Unpublished Formula. . * 5. The amount sought with this collection is 50 000 € to be able to finance: * - the complement of our Original Source for 5400 € * - valuation of our intangible assets for € 6,000 * - V1 version of the smartphone app for android and develop the smartphone app 10000 € * - manufacture a first series of 100 ICG ribbons, 100 ICG scales and 100 ICG KITs for 15000 € * - to finance the website to present ICG and to follow the personal and professional users with the collection of the results in personalized customer spaces 4000 € * - create the company ICG to develop the commercial exploitation of ICG 5000 € * - finance the cost of this crowdfunding campaign 4600 € If the collection exceeds the amount requested, we can fund our marketing strategy and our communication to a wider audience and to health professionals for a better promotion of the concept.

€ 25
pledged over € 50,000 goal
For € 10.00 or more

0 presale

Je veux tester l'application ICG sur mon smartphone androïd !

Je teste l’application ICG en version béta/démo pour observer ses effets et ses bienfaits sur ma santé. Je recevrai les instructions de téléchargement par mail pour installer ICG MOBILE. Je m’engage à transmettre mes mesures et infos sur le site ICG pour contribuer à la base de connaissances et d'analyses des résultats d'ICG. Je donne mon accord explicite sur l'utilisation de ces données par ICG conformément à la loi sur le RGPD.

estimated delivery date : Janvier 2019

1000 of 1000 available

For € 25.00 or more

1 presale


Description du jeu

estimated delivery date : octobre 2019

999 of 1000 available

For € 39.00 or more

0 presale

Je veux mon ruban ICG !

Le ruban-harmonie ICG me permettra de prendre mes mesures grâce aux caractéristiques suivantes : Une longueur de ruban de 250 cm avec des chiffres bien lisibles et précis. Un design moderne et attractif et une excellente qualité de fabrication. Une utilisation facile avec un mode d’emplois multilingues. Mon ruban ICG me sera remis lors de la Soirée des contributeurs

estimated delivery date : octobre 2019

300 of 300 available

For € 119.00 or more

0 presale

Je veux ma balance ICG !

La balance que nous allons faire fabriquer, aura les fonctionalités suivantes :
Balance solide et précise avec un affichage digital à écran LCD large, parfaitement lisible avec des chiffres apparaissant en gros, un design moderne et attractif, une excellente qualité de fabrication, une épaisseur réduite et un poids maximum de 200 kg. Un impédance-mètre est intégré pour donner des informations sur la masse grasse, la masse osseuse, le taux d’eau dans le corps, ou encore la masse musculaire. Elle est connectable au Smartphone grâce au Bluetooth ou au Wifi. Elle a une mémoire interne pour le stockage des informations et le suivi de l’évolution, en plus de recevoir de nombreux conseils. Elle est facile d’utilisation et son mode d’emplois est multilingues. Elle est fournies avec deux piles AAA. Elle dispose d’un auto-arrêt après 15 secondes d'inactivé pour prolonger la durée de vie de la pile. Garantie 1 an.

estimated delivery date : octobre 2019

100 of 100 available

For € 149.00 or more

0 presale

Je veux le KIT ICG complet !

KIT ICG COMPLET : 1 balance + 1 ruban + l'application smartphone android + le livre spécial "HARMONIE ICG"

estimated delivery date : octobre 2019

100 of 100 available

For € 500.00 or more

0 presale


Devenez prescripteur de notre application ICG auprès d'une cinquantaine de vos clients ! En contrepartie nous vous donnerons accès aux données récoltées, leurs analyses,le suivi de nos travaux. Livraison prévue le ........

For € 1,000.00 or more

0 presale

PROFESSIONNELS EN REEQUILIBRAGE NUTRITIONNEL, DIETETIQUE : Je souhaite être partenaire et faire tester ICG à 100 clients !

Devenez prescripteur de notre application ICG auprès de 100 de vos clients ! En contrepartie nous vous donnerons accès aux données récoltées, leurs analyses,le suivi de nos travaux. Livraison prévue Octobre 2019 ........

estimated delivery date : octobre 2019

10 of 10 available

For € 1,000.00 or more

0 presale


Devenez prescripteur de notre application ICG auprès d'une centaine de vos clients ! En contrepartie nous vous donnerons accès aux données récoltées, leurs analyses,le suivi de nos travaux. Livraison prévue le ........

all backers choose a reward

GCI, Gravity Center Index Concept '' 'Have the GCI reflex for health in perfect harmony!' ''


What is GCI ?

GCI is a Center of Gravity Index that calculates the center of gravity of each individual. Like the Body Mass Index (BMI), it uses the weight and the size for its calculation, added to the formula of the cosmic harmony that we discovered and which is unpublished !

Starting from the harmony between the electron and the proton, GCI unquestionably reveals, verifiable and scientific :
  • 1) the frequency pairs of any chemical of known formula
  • 2) universal DNA and its connection to the DNA of our body
  • 3) acceptable products in our body according to universal harmony
  • 4) the ideal weight corresponding to a given size
  • 5) the amount of kilocalories not to exceed according to our size
  • 6) how to measure our audacity to challenge the universal laws, especially that of gravity
  • 7) the table of cosmic harmony, etc.

GCI is one of the many practical uses of this formula that reveals realities about the true nature of life that modern science does not suspect !

GCI, which is based on cosmic harmony, reveals the inadequacies of BMI and reference curves currently used in health journals !

To understand what is GCI, we have first of all to show you some observations

1. the external environment is acting on us

What interests us here, is not what physicists call Archimedes' push. Let us simply remember that the external environment plays an important role in the attitude of the ping-pong ball ; Whether you are conscious of it or not, our external environment acts on our body.
2. the external environment is acting inside our body

We will retain not only that the gravity acts on the point pen which is inside the pen ; That this action of gravity on the point pen is permanent ; That this action of gravity acts on the outside and inside as well of objects as organisms and permanently.
3. other observations


The ideal weight of an individual is in the realm of physics and not in the field of statistics. It should not be the average of a sample, even of all adults or children worldwide !

Thus, in modeling the body of man as a cylinder of standing water, we spontaneously find the harmonious relations existing between weight, size, radius, and therefore, the influence of gravity on the shape of our body.
The Center of Gravity Index (GCI) is simply the size / radius ratio of the water cylinder.
Several other indexes can be calculated (more than 30), all concordant to measure our harmony with gravity on the Earth.

We have, among others :

  • 1. Theoretical body temperature
  • 2. Theoretical current intensity
  • 3. Theoretical magnetic field, etc...
To measure the degree of our daring to defy the law of gravity, the preferred unit here is the proton-electron gap (é.p.é.(in french)) to image a sword of Damocles.

It corresponds to :

  • 1. The difference between the mass of the proton and that of the electron (é.p.é) according to the formula of materialization and dematerialization of the cosmic energy (universal)
  • 2. The gap between the proton and the electron according to a well-known classical formula allowing the formation of these two elements from their respective scalar fields. It is verifiable and very simply !
  • 3. Cheetah limit: at 41 ° C, this animal automatically stops pursuing its prey
  • 4. The difference between the morning temperature (36.5 ° C) and the temperature of the human liver (40,6 °C ≈ 41 ° C)

So it's far from a coincidence if :

The gap between the proton and the electron (é.p.é.) = limit cheetah = limit temperature of the human liver, this difference corresponds to the number of gold 1.618 or divine proportion and the weight of air moved by meter cube by a body if it is in perfect harmony with the law of gravity prevailing on Earth !

The fact that the mass of air displaced by a body of ideal weight is equal to the number of gold, also called divine proportion, is not insignificant! The unprecedented formula of materialization and dematerialization of Cosmic energy, which we have discovered, which links the physical body to the vital energy that animates it, is unambiguous.

This is how the GCI concept was established: Gravity Center Index, a method of evaluating the harmony or the nutritional harmony of Man with respect to the law of gravity.

The GCI calculates the exact ideal weight for each size and not a weight range. It tracks the growth harmony of an individual of growing age, not with a reference sample, but rather with gravity on the earth. It is obvious that the ICG is an index that will have a definite impact on this scourge of obesity in the world.

GCI, the censor of all other nutritional indices

For sure ! You will notice that ICG is the censor of all other nutritional indices. It tells you if you are in perfect harmony with the Universe and you are no longer in harmony with the Universe when the number of gold put to the power of your body temperature exceeds the C value, C being the speed of any electromagnetic wave in the vacuum! This is one of the revelations of the cosmic harmony formula and the ICG signals it to you !

A very interesting example is that of President Barack OBAMA, who will allow us to better understand.

Remember that in nature, as soon as the cheetah reaches this gap very much related to the temperature of his body, he automatically stops pursuing his prey.

Comment :

According to the law of gravity, for its size of 1.85 m the exact ideal weight is 77.95 kg. As it has a weight of 81.6 kg, it is at a rate of 104.68%. This is the equivalent of a body temperature of 38.21 ° C. But at a temperature of 41 ° C it would be as if he asked nature to give the same weight to the electron and the proton! This corresponds to 1 é.p.é is a weight of 87.50 kg for its size. His daring to defy the laws of gravity is 0.384 e.p. Not even half of 1 é.p.é. It's already a good performance! However, 38.21 ° C is not the ideal temperature of the human body although it is tolerable.

To launch GCI and allow you to live in harmony we propose to test :

-> our health offer perfect harmony consisting of 3 tools

With the use of the Gravity Center Index, our discovery, we want to demonstrate that everyone can live in perfect harmony with the laws of Universe!
That's why we invite you to test it with ICG Mobile, our application in Beta Test, and to support us with your contributions to jointly finance the future marketable V1 version of ICG mobile for android and smartphone.
You can also supplement it with the ICG scale and the ICG Ribbon to take your measurements and follow your harmony !

1. The GCI Mobile APP

It is therefore to allow you to live in perfect harmony with the great laws of the Universe that the ICG Mobile application was designed for you !

GCI Mobile is very easy to use !

*You just need to enter your height and weight and it shows you, among other things *:

  1. The level of your daring to defy the laws of gravity
  2. Your Gravity Center Index (GCI)
  3. Your ideal body pressure
  4. Your ideal weight
  5. The amount of calories that must never be exceeded in relation to your maintenance ration whatever the pretext
  6. The body temperature that would have had the ideal mass corresponding to your current size
  7. The theoretical intensity of the current that is currently going through your body
  8. And even the equivalent value of the magnetic field of your body !

GCI Mobile help you to ...

  1. Composing your meals by taking into account the proportions of alkalizing or acidifying foods
  2. Know the proportions of carbohydrate, lipid and protein of your meal
  3. Know the number of kilocalories per monetary unit in order to economically choose your meals
  4. Do a daily or a period graphical follow-up according to your preference
  5. Follow the growth harmony of your child or yourself if you have not finished growing up …

Who can use it ?

You, your loved ones, or your patients if you are a health professional …

2. The Harmony Scale

We have the ambition to make a Harmony scale.

The scale will have, among others, the following characteristics :

  1. digital display with a wide LCD screen perfectly readable
  2. large numbers on screen
  3. very precise
  4. solid
  5. modern and attractive design
  6. very serious manufacturing quality
  7. reduced thickness
  8. weighing up to 200 kg
  9. impedance-meter (to give information on fat mass, bone mass, the rate of water in the body, or even muscle mass)
  10. connectable to Smartphone with Bluetooth or Wifi
  11. with internal memory for information storage and evolution monitoring, in addition to receiving many tips
  12. easy to use
  13. multilingual user manual
  14. with two AAA batteries supplied, Auto-off after 15 seconds of inactivated to extend the life of the battery 1 year warranty.

    3. Harmony mesureing tape

    With the mesureing tape you can take your precise measurements to know how to be and stay in perfect harmony !

    His characteristics :

    1. readable numbers
    2. precise information
    3. modern and attractive design
    4. excellent workmanship
    5. maximum length 250 cm
    6. easy to use
    7. multilingual user manual Sides 1 and 2 will give the following informations :

Heights (cm) ......... Weight (kg) ......... Ration /day (kcal
164 .................. 54,305 .............. 1982,14
164,5 ................ 54,803 .............. 2000,33
165 .................. 55,305 .............. 2018,62
165,5 ................ 55,809 .............. 2037,03
………................... ……… ................ …………….
SIDE 1 ............... SIDE 2 .............. SIDE 2
In this way you will immediately know that it is the maximum ration of calories not to be exceeded each day !

You can also choose the GCI Kit which contains the 3 products, to benefit from the special offer crowdfunding campaign !

-> our game ''Maât Champion''

to know the acceptable molecules in the human body

*In reality, the human sciences have their limits. That's why the decision of the World Metrology Organization, who wants us to use the rules of nature to create the rules of measurement, is an inestimable wisdom. *

According to the law of cosmic harmony, the atoms, of which all matter is constituted, are distributed in 81 cells or boxes that we will call Table of Cosmic or Universal Harmony. From these boxes, only 35 are chosen to house the acceptable atoms in the human body according to a well-known mathematical law. This explains, in other words, the vibratory rates of the chemical elements admitted into the human body.
For example, according to a study conducted in 195 countries between 1990 and 2016 and published on Friday, August 24, 2018, I quote: "no consumption of alcohol is safe for health" (Source: RFI).

From now on, you will be able to come to a such conclusion alone!

Indeed, the law of universal harmony that reveals everything up to the 4 boxes that it uses to unite us with the DNA of the Cosmos, the universe does not admit a molecule such as the one of the alcohol in one of the 35 boxes, so in our body. We can explain, today, why and how botulinum toxin is the most violent poison in the world with this formula of cosmic harmony !
Thus, the popularization of this law of cosmic harmony will allow everyone to verify by itself by chemical molecules, if a given product is detrimental to our body or not, based on accurate data incontestables. Everyone will know the truth as the Universe teaches us to choose, to respect it or not.

You can introduce children with the game ! They will have fun and you too !...

One of the most miraculous secrets of this cosmic harmony formula is not only that the existence of a cosmic DNA, whose DNA of our body is only a perfect miniature copy, but the fact that anyone who understands the classic '' power '' function can easily demonstrate it!

What is interesting is that, from the point of view of cosmic harmony, everything being vibration, there is no frequency without opposite frequency. No problem without solution ! Even children can understand some great universal laws, sometimes with a disconcerting simplicity ! It is sometimes like grouping 3, 4, 6, 7 so as to have the same total in both groups.

The importance of the cosmic harmony formula is well established today when we know that more than thirty million (30,000,000) chemical molecules, whose impact on the decline of the immune system is unknown, exist currently !

Describe your project goal

The objectives of this campaign are: * 1. Get out of my isolation * 2. Find people sensitive to this concept to help make it known to the public * 3. Make the project emerge * 4. Have a prototype "Harmony Scale" and "Harmony Tape" made to complement the Smartphone Nutritional Monitoring App based on the ICG Gravity Index Unpublished Formula. . * 5. The amount sought with this collection is 50 000 € to be able to finance: * - the complement of our Original Source for 5400 € * - valuation of our intangible assets for € 6,000 * - V1 version of the smartphone app for android and develop the smartphone app 10000 € * - manufacture a first series of 100 ICG ribbons, 100 ICG scales and 100 ICG KITs for 15000 € * - to finance the website to present ICG and to follow the personal and professional users with the collection of the results in personalized customer spaces 4000 € * - create the company ICG to develop the commercial exploitation of ICG 5000 € * - finance the cost of this crowdfunding campaign 4600 € If the collection exceeds the amount requested, we can fund our marketing strategy and our communication to a wider audience and to health professionals for a better promotion of the concept.

€ 25
pledged over € 50,000 goal
For € 10.00 or more

0 presale

Je veux tester l'application ICG sur mon smartphone androïd !

Je teste l’application ICG en version béta/démo pour observer ses effets et ses bienfaits sur ma santé. Je recevrai les instructions de téléchargement par mail pour installer ICG MOBILE. Je m’engage à transmettre mes mesures et infos sur le site ICG pour contribuer à la base de connaissances et d'analyses des résultats d'ICG. Je donne mon accord explicite sur l'utilisation de ces données par ICG conformément à la loi sur le RGPD.

estimated delivery date : Janvier 2019

1000 of 1000 available

For € 25.00 or more

1 presale


Description du jeu

estimated delivery date : octobre 2019

999 of 1000 available

For € 39.00 or more

0 presale

Je veux mon ruban ICG !

Le ruban-harmonie ICG me permettra de prendre mes mesures grâce aux caractéristiques suivantes : Une longueur de ruban de 250 cm avec des chiffres bien lisibles et précis. Un design moderne et attractif et une excellente qualité de fabrication. Une utilisation facile avec un mode d’emplois multilingues. Mon ruban ICG me sera remis lors de la Soirée des contributeurs

estimated delivery date : octobre 2019

300 of 300 available

For € 119.00 or more

0 presale

Je veux ma balance ICG !

La balance que nous allons faire fabriquer, aura les fonctionalités suivantes :
Balance solide et précise avec un affichage digital à écran LCD large, parfaitement lisible avec des chiffres apparaissant en gros, un design moderne et attractif, une excellente qualité de fabrication, une épaisseur réduite et un poids maximum de 200 kg. Un impédance-mètre est intégré pour donner des informations sur la masse grasse, la masse osseuse, le taux d’eau dans le corps, ou encore la masse musculaire. Elle est connectable au Smartphone grâce au Bluetooth ou au Wifi. Elle a une mémoire interne pour le stockage des informations et le suivi de l’évolution, en plus de recevoir de nombreux conseils. Elle est facile d’utilisation et son mode d’emplois est multilingues. Elle est fournies avec deux piles AAA. Elle dispose d’un auto-arrêt après 15 secondes d'inactivé pour prolonger la durée de vie de la pile. Garantie 1 an.

estimated delivery date : octobre 2019

100 of 100 available

For € 149.00 or more

0 presale

Je veux le KIT ICG complet !

KIT ICG COMPLET : 1 balance + 1 ruban + l'application smartphone android + le livre spécial "HARMONIE ICG"

estimated delivery date : octobre 2019

100 of 100 available

For € 500.00 or more

0 presale


Devenez prescripteur de notre application ICG auprès d'une cinquantaine de vos clients ! En contrepartie nous vous donnerons accès aux données récoltées, leurs analyses,le suivi de nos travaux. Livraison prévue le ........

For € 1,000.00 or more

0 presale

PROFESSIONNELS EN REEQUILIBRAGE NUTRITIONNEL, DIETETIQUE : Je souhaite être partenaire et faire tester ICG à 100 clients !

Devenez prescripteur de notre application ICG auprès de 100 de vos clients ! En contrepartie nous vous donnerons accès aux données récoltées, leurs analyses,le suivi de nos travaux. Livraison prévue Octobre 2019 ........

estimated delivery date : octobre 2019

10 of 10 available

For € 1,000.00 or more

0 presale


Devenez prescripteur de notre application ICG auprès d'une centaine de vos clients ! En contrepartie nous vous donnerons accès aux données récoltées, leurs analyses,le suivi de nos travaux. Livraison prévue le ........

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